Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Brooklyn update

Brooklyn has changed so much these past weeks. On St. Patrick's Day she said her first word. I call her "Mama" and always say mama so of course that would be her first word. Well it wasn't, it was "Dadad." Then Brian told me that when he plays with her he always says " Dada.....Daddyyyyyy" over and over. Then about two weeks later she said "Mum." Now she says those words all the time. She has her first tooth, she loves wrapped granola bars because they are shiney, make noise, and she can chew on them. She scoots backwards like crazy and rolls all over. She also loves water bottles with a little bit of really cold water in it for her gums. She likes all foods so far even peas and green beans....well she makes faces when she eats them but at least she eats them. She always sleeps on her stomach, even when I turn her back over she rolls right back, and often wakes up with her head at the foot of her crib. Her skin has a little bit more color, and her hair is longer and really blond. She likes to wave and make silly sounds. She still doesn't like the pacifier, and sometimes prefers the hard part or the fabric that connects it to her shirt. She loves to be naked and has to be held 24/7.She loves to rip and chew my notes while I'm trying to study. My favorite new thing she does is going to bed at 12 or 1... am that is (her teething schedule).


Mrs. Schmalison said...

Isnt it crazy how fast it goes??!! I cant believe Elena is 7 months old already. It just doesnt seem fair. With Patrick I wanted everything to happen faster because I wanted to experience all the things he would do, and it seemed to take forever. With Elena I want her to stay small and helpless for longer because I know what she will do and its going way too fast.

Melissa said...

She is really cute! I can't believe she is talking already and has a tooth. McKenna has neither. Who knows when she will start talking or get some teeth. She has also been having the bad habit of going to bed around 11-12 this past week. Its been terrible! But I love her anyway.

Jen Williams said...

I love the update. She is so cute and is full of personality. Take Care ;)