Monday, September 22, 2008

A Little Bit About Brooklyn

She is currently(as of friday) 10 lbs. and is 22 inches long, can hold her head up and look around, she can stand, she's very strong, she has the cutest cries especially the one that sounds like a lamb, she makes the cutest faces (it's sad but I like her sad about-to-cry face), gets hungry right before we have to leave, she laughs in her sleep, her feet are ticklish, her pinky toe curls under, she likes her bouncer, really likes her car seat, and loves to be outside, she likes to smile at me(mandi), her farts smell like rotten eggs and are so loud I can't tell if it's her or Brian, she slept for 7 hours straight two nights in a row!, holds my hand or grabs my hair when she eats, and she gulps so loud it sounds like it hurts, she likes to lay on Brian's chest and cuddle up next to him to sleep, she's PERFECT!!


Jen Williams said...

Congratulations on little Brooklyn! She is so pretty. She looks so much like you. Have a great day!

Jaime said...

I love the new picture of her in her blessing dress. She sounds like a perfect baby and it sounds like she is going to be a little chunk. There is nothing cuter then a chunky baby!

Sean and Bree said...

awww, I can't wait to come up and see you guys again!
love, bree :)